Commonly Asked Questions

•What should I expect after I make an order?

After you place an order, you will get an order confirmation in your email to let you know that your order has been placed. I will get started as soon as I can and I will notify you as soon as I’m finished with your spell. If you purchased the spell late at night where I live (EST), then I will get started on it as soon as I wake.

Spells usually take 1-2 hours to finish, however it may take up to several hours if I am busy. Once I’m done, I will contact you to let you know that your spell(s) are completed. Please be sure that you put in the correct email address so I can contact you.

Once finished, I will send you a spell completion certificate that you may print and frame or place on your personal altar. Afterwards I will cast your spell once a day for 30 days straight so you get maximum results.

•Are your spells guaranteed to work?

On average, my spells have about a 99% chance of success, so it’s chances are quite high.

However in very rare cases, the spell may not work - This is usually because of interference from the universe, a spiritual guide, or an unseen force that believes that you are supposed to be on a different path than what the spell is trying to open for you.

Other times, it may be due to energetic blockages or negative energy within the client themselves or their spell target(s). I do offer spells that can help with this, but usually my spells can work without aid.

It is of upmost importance to ALWAYS keep a positive mindset and visualize your desired outcome! Many don’t realize just how crucial this step is. A positive mindset will bring in more positivity and desired outcomes.

How long does it take to see results?

Nearly all of my clients will see results within the first few days - many even see results almost instantly. However don’t be discouraged if it take a while longer. Each spell is as unique at the client themselves and it will usually manifest within 30 days at the latest. If it does that longer, which is very rare, I will be more than glad to continue to recast your spell for an additional 30 days at no extra cost to you.

• I never received my spell completion certificate or an email letting me know the spell is finished.

AlWAYS make sure you put in the right email address, or I may have no way of contacting you. However, rest assured that I have still completed your order as I will always automatically receive every order that has been paid.

*You MUST leave the the email subscription button checked at the checkout. Otherwise I have no way of sending you your spell completion certificate and letting you know your order is complete.

You may unsubscribe after your spell is completed, I just need this so I can contact you.

*I am not responsible if you don’t provide a way for me to contact you, therefore refunds cannot be accepted even if you do not receive your order completion email and certificate. Thank you for understanding.*

• I accidentally forgot to provide my Information for my order, yet you completed my spell(s) anyway. How does this work?

Usually when someone doesn’t provide any information, I will assume that you are the target of the spell(s). When you make an order, I will automatically receive simple information such as your name and shipping address - this is the information I will use to customize your order.

If you wish to change the spell target(s) or let me know of any additional information, please email me at ladyfia@magickoasis.com.

•Are your spells safe?

Yes, all of my spells are completely safe as they all use white magic that has virtually no chance of backfiring or causing harm. Thousands have used my spells safely and I have high expertise so you are in good hands.

•Do you show Photos or videos of the spell?

Unfortunately I am unable to send photos of the spell work. This is because the spirits, energy and sound frequencies I work with are highly sensitive to all forms of sound waves and radio waves such as the RF waves that come from a phone or the IR waves from a camera. My spells are highly ancient and sacred - therefore they cannot be used near any form of technology that may cause disturbances.

I deeply apologize for this and thank you so much for understanding. I completely understand that being unable to send photo proof of the spell may come off as an inconvenience, but I assure you that you are in good hands as I have helped thousands just like you.

•Do you accept refunds?

Unfortunately I am unable to accept refunds due to the cost and time it takes to do the spell. I will do everything I can to make your spell as powerful and effective as I can, but I ultimately cannot control the outcome. No spell has a guaranteed result. Please keep this in mind as you make an order and thank you for understanding.